DTCC partners with Snowflake to transform financial industry data ecosystem
DTCC is partnering with Snowflake to transform how data is accessed, shared and leveraged across a number of its services.
Funding.com.au achieves record growth with Brokers
Gold Coast based non-bank bridging fintech, Funding.com.au, has achieved a record in the number of new brokers accredited and loan book growth.
Multi-award-winning fintech Adatree successfully closes second funding round
Multi-award-winning Australian fintech company Adatree has successfully closed a second funding round.
Aussie SaaS fintech Nine25 launches world first payroll/HR tech platform into Australia’s hottest jobs market
Australian SaaS fintech Nine25 has today launched its world-first Salary Streaming and budgeting platform.
Global fintech Ebury appoints Marc Lim as a Head of Desk
Global foreign exchange and trade finance fintech Ebury has hired Marc Lim as a Head of Desk at its rapidly growing Sydney office.
Biometric technologies championing a risk-free future for banks and mortgage lenders – COBA 2022
The new wave of digital verification software, built on biometric technologies promises to mitigate risks for banks and mortgage lenders.
Only one in ten Superhero investors trust finfluencers
New research from Superhero has shown that only 11% of Superhero investors say they found finfluencers trustworthy.
Avenue Bank partners with nCino to reimagine SME Business Banking
Cloud banking pioneer nCino has announced that digital business bank Avenue Bank is live on the nCino Bank Operating System.