BGL attains Mental Health Skilled Workplace Accreditation
BGL Corporate Solutions has been recognised as an accredited Mental Health First Aid Skilled Workplace.
BGL is 1 of 165 organisations across Australia recognised as part of the Mental Health First Aid Australia Skilled Workplace Program, which was first introduced in 2018. The program aims to inspire positive change and celebrates organisations driving mental health literacy and competency skills.
“This is a great achievement” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “Our people work tirelessly to provide award-winning software solutions and customer service for our clients. Supporting our team members’ mental health and wellbeing has never been more important. To have mental health and wellbeing deeply embedded in our culture is something I am so very proud of.”
“BGL has always been focused on the mental health and wellbeing of our team and we have implemented many initiatives to support our team members. One of which was to have all BGL leaders trained in mental health first aid,” added Lesh. “With the help of Joel Clapham, Founder and Chief Mental Health Champ at Hearten Up, BGL had all our leaders trained as Mental Health First Aiders. This equates to 1 trained Mental Health First Aider for every 7 BGL team members.”
“This initiative alone has had an enormous positive impact on our leaders and our team members,” continued Lesh. “It has also positioned us to be recognised as a Great Place to Work.”
“Creating and sustaining a mentally healthy workplace requires constant and consistent effort,” said Lesh. “We will continue to invest in new and better ways to educate our team, raise awareness and reduce the stigma related to mental health. It is just so important.”