Australia’s recession likely already over: BetaShares

Australia’s recession likely already over: BetaShares

The Government’s social distancing measures have likely caused the sharpest and the shortest economic contraction in history, just spanning March and April, according to Betashares.

Betashares’ chief economist, David Bassanese, said the extent to which a recession was defined as a period of economic contraction, “the good news is that Australia’s recession is likely already over”.

“That said, to the extent recession is defined as a period of subpar economic growth and persistent very high unemployment, then challenging times will likely persist for at least another six months to one year,” he said.

“While we may see a short-term bounce in economic activity from depression conditions as social distancing restrictions ease, the ongoing risk of second waves likely mean global business and consumer spending settle back to a quite subdued pace over the following months thereafter.”

Bassanese noted that the economy was already struggling before the COVID-19 pandemic as a result in a downturn in housing construction, weak business investment, and tapped out consumer spending. The pandemic, he said, had only exacerbated the issues.

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Source: Australia’s recession likely already over: BetaShares | Money Management