Australian FinTech launches jobs platform Australian FinTech Jobs

Australian FinTech launches jobs platform Australian FinTech Jobs

If you didn’t see the news earlier in the week, Australian FinTech has just launched Australian FinTech Jobs – Australia’s first and only employment website dedicated to the FinTech industry.

Australian FinTech Jobs is a marketplace site aimed at FinTech companies (from start-ups to ASX-listed companies) and recruitment companies looking for good quality staff. On the other side, there are university graduates and jobseekers looking to start their FinTech careers or move on up into a new role.

Australian FinTech have built up quite a community in the past two and a half years, with traffic now exceeding 13,000 unique users per month. The aim now is to drive a majority of those visitors to the new employment platform so Fintechs and recruiters will be approached by quality candidates.

Although the site has only been live a few days, Australian FinTech Jobs is gaining global attention, having already featured in the news in the USA, UK and of course Australia:






To find out more, please don’t hesitate to contact Australian FinTech Jobs to find out about launch specials, discounts and free listings.