AstuteWheel shines again in 2021 Netwealth AdviceTech Report
Leading goals-based financial advice and client engagement software platform, AstuteWheel shines again in the 2021 Netwealth AdviceTech Report, ranking highly in three areas of the ‘Most Used Supplier’ category.
AstuteWheel ranked:
- 1st in most used Online Fact Find & Risk Profiling Tool
- 2nd in most used Scaled Advice Tool
- 3rd in most used Tools & Calculators to Demonstrate Strategies
AstuteWheel Director, Michael Topper, said advisers using AstuteWheel in their businesses were well-positioned to take advantage of online tools to settle clients down during Covid-19, via:
- online tools and modelling calculators
- online mini fact find & risk profiling tool
- financial health check & electronic reverse fact find
- visual risk needs analysis & cashflow modelling calculators that can be used live with clients
“What the Report appears to show is that COVID-19 has fast-tracked both acceptance and uptake of Zoom-type meetings and client engagement technology,” he said. “While advisers might have initially found it more challenging to bring new clients on board and build trust this way, they have quickly adapted.”
Topper said such technologies are fundamentally changing the way advisers service clients and, in the process, making meetings much more productive and efficient. “That’s something that both advisers and their clients like,” he said.
The Report also highlighted the high percentage of advisers who either currently use or plan to use client engagement tools to enhance their client experience and improve business efficiency and compliance, replacing Excel spreadsheets with tools specifically designed to use with clients.
AdviceTech | Currently use | Plan to use | Total |
Online fact find & risk profiling tool | 31.9% | 40.2% | 72.1% |
Scaled Advice Tool | 26.4% | 38.5% | 64.9% |
Tools & Calculators to demonstrate strategies | 64.9% | 22.1% | 87.0% |
Source: Netwealth AdviceTech report 2021
Topper said the report confirms what AstuteWheel has learned via feedback from advisers about the benefits that client engagement platforms bring to their businesses and that is:
- improved client engagement
- improved client satisfaction
- more time available to spend with clients due to efficiency improvements
- improved quality of advice provided and
- increased profitability from clients
Source: Netwealth AdviceTech report 2021