2nd Annual APAC Blockchain Conference 2018
The APAC Blockchain Conference, developed in partnership with the Australian Digital Commerce Association (ADCA), looks beyond the hype at the real impacts and potential of blockchain technologies in Australia.
The 2nd annual event will be held from 13 – 15 March in Melbourne and bring together blockchain innovators, business leaders and regulators to help you build your blockchain strategy and assess the viability of the technology.
Across the globe organisations are scrutinizing how blockchain technology can transform current processes, free them of the middle man and save significant costs. The potential is huge and possibilities limitless, however, there are considerable challenges to overcome before the benefits can be realised.
This is a not-to-be-missed event for anyone with an interest in blockchain.
Check out the event website for more information: www.apacblockchain.com.au
Or download the event brochure: www.apacblockchain.com.au/agenda/download-brochure-0
You can save up to $600 if you book on or before 15 December!