1WordFlow launches the digital edition of Scott Farrell’s Payments System Review
1WordFlow has announced the free public release of a digital edition of Scott Farrell’s keenly-awaited Payments System Review.
1WordFlow has liberated all of the Review’s public domain documents from the constraints of legacy formats and vastly increased the usability of the material by putting everything in one place as web pages accessed from a single URL: www.paymentsystemreview.1wordflow.info
Instead of separately downloading each document, payments system stakeholders can now visit the unique URL and find the exact references they are looking for. Every document collated by the Review to date – Terms of Reference, Issues Paper, 115-page Report and all of the 45 individual Submissions – has been extracted and published as webpages to eliminate the need for manual effort like scrolling.
Using our ‘Transform’ technology – a fast, cost effective solution to publish online content at scale – we have created a library of virtual documents where information is easily and quickly accessible with just one or two clicks. The digitally transformed and enriched material is both searchable and shareable and can be translated into some 100 different languages for inclusion and interoperability.
1WordFlow will update the site as the Government makes further announcements on the implementation of recommendations from the Review. Minister Jane Hume on Monday confirmed that the Government will respond before the end of the year, prior to industry consultation.
“Payments industry professionals have welcomed having this vital material in web format because it puts the content all together in one place and makes it easy to consume,” remarked Bruce Wren, CEO and Co-Founder of 1WordFlow.
The objective of Mr Farrell’s Payments System Review is to ensure that the Australian payments system remains “fit for purpose” and underpins a “world-class digital economy.” However, downloading and scrolling through multiple files, serves no purpose in the digital economy.
“When Australia last updated its payments regulatory architecture, 20 years ago, the iPhone didn’t exist, and the Internet was unrecognisable from today. It’s ironic that a Government review into whether its industry regulation is fit for the digital age should be so hamstrung by legacy formats and associated workflows. We’ve fixed that problem,” continued Wren.
1WordFlow is an Australian technology company specialising in information management including creating virtual documents for financial services – policies, procedures, standards, guidelines, manuals, regulation and more – making all the critical documents that support decision making available in digital web format on demand on any device.