Marketech Focus releases its 22nd major platform upgrade
Only a few weeks after releasing their novel live-streaming market-data scanning engine, Marketech are back again with their 22nd major platform upgrade – in just four years!
This round includes:
- The option of up to 8 chart/detail panels per page (and everything in between)
- Quick zooms on the charts, with zoom persisting when scrolling between stocks
- The addition of more media content, from Stocks Down Under, Pitt St Research and The Stock Network (curatable, linked to mobile alerts, saved with the company’s ASX news)
- An intraday volume histogram on the charts
- A tabular trade history view
According to Marketech CEO, Travis Clark, the ‘special sauce’ that allows them to make such rapid upgrades to their award-winning high function platform is due to the abilities of their proprietary FastIQ back-end, a cloud-native data scanning engine.
“Having spent so much time building and refining the FastIQ engine to power our Focus platform, we can now really start to show off the front-end functionality and connectivity. Our front-end is now only limited by human imagination, and upgrades are more like changing the paint-job on a car, not rebuilding the car from scratch each time.
“Continuing with that analogy, our demographic of investors need the fastest car, and to consistently win races at the track you will need a globally competitive engine. Once it’s proven to be a race winner you could use that engine to power different vehicles, even run several racing teams across different terrains.
“Or you can just make that one car unbeatable in its field, as we have done with Focus.”
Marketech’s Focus platform is currently available to retail investors trading the ASX, Cboe and the NSX, however the design of Marketech’s FastIQ engine means that it could whitelabel the Focus platform to multiple parties, or power other platform designs for different use cases, or even open up APIs to supply certain parts of its functionality.
For more information about Marketech and the various Focus platform options, including a free 3-day trial of the combined ASX, Cboe & NSX live-streaming market data on PC and app, visit: www.marketech.com.au/focus