In AI Today launches! Your new #1 source of global AI news
Today, the media company behind Australian FinTech, StartUp ScaleUp and several other news websites, have launched In AI Today – a global Artificial Intelligence news and information platform.
Artificial Intelligence, or AI as it’s more commonly known, is taking over the world at a rapid rate. In AI Today has been built to help you keep abreast of everything that’s happening in the world of AI.
Commenting on the launch, In AI Today’s Founder Cameron Dart said, “There is so much AI news out there at the moment, and new AI and Machine Learning companies launching every week, that it’s hard to keep up with everything that’s happening.
“So we’ve launched In AI Today so that everyone from all corners of the world can keep up to date with what’s happening in AI, learn about new products and services, and be more informed about everything there is to know about the world of Artificial Intelligence.”
In AI Today is a news platform which also features a directory of over 1,700 AI companies from 100+ countries. The site also includes over 4,000 of the greatest minds from around the globe.
“If you run an AI company or your business powered by AI and you’re not already featured, please reach out and get in contact with us,” Dart added.
For more information, please visit www.InAIToday.com or contact the team at [email protected].
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