FinTechAus reels as CEO departs
There are now discussions within the sector about the creation of a new, representative body separate to FinTech Australia, InnovationAus.com understands.
But FinTech Australia chair Alan Tsen has defended the organisation’s track record, and said it’s impossible to please everyone in the wider sector all of the time.
The lobby group’s chief executive Brad Kitschke, who took on the role in late May, tendered his resignation to the FinTech Australia board late last week, citing health concerns.
The resignation comes at the busiest period of the year for FinTech Australia, with its two major conferences fast-approaching, the launch of its annual census, and the imminent passage of a series of FinTech-focused legislation in Canberra.
Mr Tsen said the organisation’s board would cover the workload, with current head of community and partnerships Rebecca Schot-Guppy to serve as interim-CEO.
“The board will be stepping up to help plug the gaps and we’re excited about some of the things we’ve been working on,” Mr Tsen told InnovationAus.com.
“When it’s someone’s health you have to take that seriously. Brad made the hard decision to step away and focus on getting better.”
Mr Kitschke’s aim to grow FinTech Australia in the same way as Uber and often combative statements on the big banks put some in the wider sector off-side. But in the days following his resignation, criticism about the organisation’s consultations with the local sector and focus on lobbying Canberra have surfaced.
A number of prominent members of the local FinTech sector have now gone on the record about their concerns surrounding FinTech Australia as the organisation faces a major transitional period and a new CEO.
InnovationAus.com also understands that there are early discussions on the potential formation of a new, separate representative group for the FinTech sector, with an email sent to community members late last week.
A number of members of the community have raised concerns that FinTech Australia has not done enough to engage local FinTech companies and include them in policy discussions, instead focusing mostly on Canberra lobbying efforts.
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Source: FinTechAus reels as CEO departs – InnovationsAus.com